Tronc Commun
M2-S1 – 24h, 6 ECTS
This course introduces students to a broad array of contemporary debates in anglophone social science. The course is organized around weekly readings and discussions that consider major themes and trends of anthropology, sociology and history. Students will be able to summarize and discuss issues including the following overarching theories: modernity, nationalism, the state and neoliberalism, (post)coloniality and (de)coloniality, globalization, agency etc., and how these are brought into in various concerns including: gender and feminism, migration, citizenship, disease and medicine, human-environment relations, technology and digital communication, language and society, and the occult. Each theme week will be the responsibility of 2-3 students that work together on a topic, presenting a review and a critique on the texts, and manage an in-class discussion.
October 1 – December 17, 2019
Location: 48 boulevard Jourdan, R3-46
Time: tuesday 16h – 18h
Contact :
10% (2 points) Class attendance: Mandatory.
40% (8 points) Participation in class conversations and debates:
Students are expected to come to class prepared to discuss and debate
the readings. You will be instructed on how to demonstrate knowledge
of the weekly readings.
20% (4 points) Two Short Response Papers:
One page response papers (250-300 words) on two of the readings.
These responses are informal in tone, but should be written with
clarity, accuracy, and proper citations. They should be emailed to the
instructor on the due dates: November 8 (1st paper) and December 17
(2nd paper).
30% (6 points) In-class presentation: 6 points
Students will be assigned the responsibility to present one text
(approximately 15 minutes) and facilitate the following discussion on
the selected reading.